Grape Escapes… Escape to Grape-ness!

As a native of Fort Smith, I definitely heard about Grape Escapes – a fundraiser that benefits Bost, Inc. I saw the advertisements, both online and around town, and even babysat a couple of times for friends so that they could attend the party. They would arrive home with several bottles of wine in tow, photo strips with silly props and poses, chocolates from Kopper Kettle Candies, and many stories of the night’s festivities. To be frank, I was a little jealous. Don’t get me wrong, I had a blast hanging out with their little girl, but I still wondered about all the potential shenanigans to be had at such an event boasting samples of more than 350 types of wine, delectable food catered from local businesses, live jazz music and vocals, and fabulous company.

As luck would have it, my wish to go to Grape Escapes was granted this year in the form of two tickets bestowed upon me from a very gracious co-worker. Excitement would have been an understatement for what I was feeling! Needless to say, I impatiently counted down the weeks leading up to the occasion…

Fast forward to the night of the event, 6 pm rolls around and, of course, I’m still getting ready. Fashionably late is a-ok, though! My bestie and I finally roll in about an hour late dressed to impress in our fuchsia and black outfits, and let’s not forget about the stylish heels we managed to walk in for most of the night! From that point on, our focus became wine, food, wine, and more wine. If you’ve ever been to such an affair, you know exactly what I mean! It didn’t take long before we were gallivanting around the room with a particular zeal for life that I can only describe as a “can-do” attitude. Now, I’m not sure how noticeable our enthusiasm was to others, but I’m pretty sure we made an impression on some of the people there!

Overall, it was a great night. I walked out with a new Facebook friend, a few phone numbers, my very own photo strip full of silly props and poses, and, most of all, incredible memories! Fort Smith may not always be bursting at the seams when it comes to nightlife, but it will surprise you if you’re willing to give it a chance. So next time you feel like saying, “There’s nothing to do in this town,” ask the person nearest to slap some sense into you! And if that’s not an option for obvious reasons, then take out your phone, type in, sit back, and prepare to be enlightened.

-Hannah Jay, Web Content Editor at The Richland Group, TTDIFS Facebook Correspondent, Amateur Oenophile

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