Captain’s Log, Day 1,337
Here Comes Peter Cottontail…ish
It’s that onee weekend we celebrate the RISING from the grave of the great JC, Lord, Savior, King and what-not. It’s one of the big ones, like Christmas, and many folks will find themselves in a church service, of some sort, on this particular Sunday, as well they should be. Go forth, represent, repent, vent, pay up on your spritiual rent (especially if you’ve not been since Christmas!) It’s a good day to be alive, remember, reflect, LOVE, Out Loud, all you can how ou can when you can…. Good luck. Eat something good and don’t hide the eggs so well you’ll be finding (and/or smelling) them months down the road. It’s a funny holiday that mixes spirituality and an Easter Bunny filled with colorful memories of sweet candy and a fun time….but then also the Church aspect of the whole thing, a man, Son of the MAIN man, dies for us so that we are forgiven, rises from the grave promising to come again….. or the Easter Bunny, Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail… My goodness, what a contrast. I wonder which story kids more relate to? I wonder which story we lean towards when “celebrating” the actual holiday? … Interesting questions, and ones I don’t typically dive into too deeply on the weekly mainly because of time, but also opinion. It’s a stinker sometimes….
Things to do below as spring comes our way quickly. Loving Fort Smith and the Great Greater Fort Smith River Valley Out Loud has become something of a “thing to do” lately and I want to commemd those on board with the whole initiative. It really is fun, a great way to pass time for sure.