Change is GREAT!

Fort Smith has rich in history.  With Riverfront development top of mind to both the citizens and the business community, change is inevitable for the Greater Fort Smith Region.  Recently the City formed a new committee.  This committee (Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee) is tasked with taking a step back, analyzing the landscape of Fort Smith, then presenting a plan, 18 months later, that incorporates the thoughts and suggestions of those that matter:  the people.   To take part in the discussion, please visit FutureFortSmith to learn more. 

Here at THINGS TO DO IN FORT SMITH (TTDIFS) we back this effort and give it our full support.  With change comes the certainty of even more things to do, and with more things to do, the more people will want to stay here or move here (or move back here). Big things are coming to Fort Smith and we couldn’t be more excited about it.  As we approach our first week of being a living, breathing website, it’s very obvious what this site will accomplish: A single online source of  “things to do” that utilizes feedback from the community to build and maintain a website and a regional “calendar of events.”  We like that.   Thanks to our advertisers that quickly jumped on board as they see the true potential of this project. 

Take a moment and browse the site.  Do you see something missing?  Maybe we missed something?  Let us know!  This is an ever-changing website to go along with a changing community.  Changing for the better to BE better!  We love Fort Smith.  We love this region!  We know there are things to do in Fort Smith….BUT DO YOU?


Zeb Heston

Assistant Copy Writer / TTDIFS
