Baggo Rules

• Winner is first team to score 21 points or more
• 3 points for each bag in the hole (That’s a BAGGO!)
• 1 point for each bag on the board is an Ace
• Score is the difference in the team totals
• Boards are 20 feet apart
• Limit of 18 minutes per game
 In doubles, team partners face each other from opposite boards
 Each team plays with 4 bags
 Opponents alternate tosses until all 8 bags are thrown
 The round is then scored (See Scoring)
 The last team to score on previous round tosses first
 Toss again if any interference occurs
 Opponents may call Foot Foul and the call must be honored
• Bags pushed in by an opponent’s toss count as a BAGGO
• The game is over if the score reaches 11 to Zero (SKUNK)
• If a bag ever touches the ground or is tossed out of turn, it doesn’t count
Example: After 1 round of 8 bags played
#1 team with 1 bag in the hole = 3 points
#2 team with 2 bags on the board = 2 points
Score for the 1st round for #1 team = 1 point
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